

It is indeed an honor to welcome you. This website gives us a great opportunity to gather, learn and share quality information that will positively affect ourselves and our Head Start children and families.

We must be able to endure the forces of change and apply ourselves to not only sustaining, but enhancing all our services that directly benefit the poor children and families we serve.

Let us take advantage of all the opportunities being offered as we gather here. We hope you enjoy or website, the atmosphere and the N.I.N.O.S, Inc. hospitaility.

The mission of NINOS, Inc. is to promote positive outcomes for our families. We work to enhance the development of young children, promote healthy family functioning, provide for staff development and establish partners among the Community.

NINOS, Inc. is designed to reinforce and respond to the unique strengths and needs of each individual child, family and staff.

Manuela Rendon

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